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蒋兰英     返 回

蒋兰英,女,新加坡国立大学(National University of Singapore)博士,现为中南大学冶金科学与工程学院教授和博士生导师,从事吸附和分离功能材料的分子设计与合成,复合膜的制备与结构优化,以及膜蒸馏、正向渗透膜分离等在冶金等领域中运用的科研和教学工作。

从事研究工作以来,先后参与或主持(第二负责人)新加坡教育部(MOE)、新加坡国家科技局(A*Star)、新加坡国立大学和环球油品公司(UOP)资助的项目,主持湖南省自然科学基金面上项目、教育部回国留学人员基金、国家自然科学基金面上项目和湖南省科技计划重点项目。申请美国发明专利2项、新加坡发明专利1项和中国发明专利3项,在国际权威和重要期刊上发表学术论文20余篇(SCI收录17篇,EI收录17篇;论文单篇最高影响因子超过20,累计SCI影响因子近90;总引次数超过700;H-index 13),参与编写专著4部,多次参与国际、国内学术会议,并作报告或特邀报告。获得新加坡国家科技局与陈嘉庚基金共同评选的“新加坡陈嘉庚青少年发明家奖(铜奖)”,入选“教育部新世纪优秀人才”等4个人才计划。担任Journal of Membrane Science 等多个国际权威或重要期刊审稿人和湖南省自然科学基金等的项目评审员,任中南大学青年科协委员。所指导本科生曾代表新加坡国立大学参加“Fourth Universitas 21 Undergraduate Research Conference”,所指导研究生获得中南大学“研究生创新基金”和“米塔尔创新基金”。













8)新加坡国家科技局,092-139-0033、Molecular Engineering of Membrane Materials and Fabrication for the Separation of Acetone Butanol Ethanol (ABE) Broths Produced from Non-food Biomass、2009-03/2012-02、78.80万新加坡元、结题、参加(第二负责人)

9)新加坡国家科技局,072-101-0012、Sub-Nano Pore-Size Membranes for Biofuel Separation and Purification、2007-08/2010-08、49.98万新加坡元、结题、参加

10) 新加坡国家科技局,052-101-0014、The Development of Mixed Matrix Nano-Composite Materials for Membrane Separation、2005-08/2008-02、50万新加坡元、结题、参加


1)SONG ZW, JIANG LY (蒋兰英)*. Optimization of morphology and performance of PVDF hollow fiber for direct contact membrane distillation using experimental design. Chemical Engineering Science (2012 IF=2.601), 2013/6/09, Accepted

2)JIANG LY*, ZHU JM. Separation technologies for current and future biorefineries—Status and potential of membrane-based separation. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment, 2013/2/1, Accepted

3)JIANG LY*, SONG ZW. Interfacial resistance of dual-layer Asymmetric hollow fiber pervaporation membranes formed by co-extrusion. Journal of Polymer Research (2012 IF=1.733), 18 (6) (2011) 2505-2514. (2011/7/26 Accepted)

4)KUNG GY, JIANG LY*, CHUNG TS. Asymmetric Hollow fibers by Polyimide and Polybenzimidazole Blends for Toluene/iso-octane Separation. Journal of Membrane Science (2012 IF=4.314), 360 (1-2) (2010) 303-314. (2010/9/15 Accepted)

5)PANU S, CHUNG TS, JIANG LY. Modified pore-flow model for pervaporation mass transport in PVDF hollow fiber membranes for ethanol-water separation. Journal of Membrane Science (2012 IF=4.314), 362 (1-2) (2010) 393-402

6)JIANG LY*, CHUNG TS. Homogeneous polyimide/cyclodextrin composite membranes for pervaporation dehydration of isopropanol. Journal of Membrane Science (2012 IF=4.314), 346 (1) (2010) 45-58. (2010/1/1 Accepted)

7)JIANG LY*, WANG Y, QIAO XY, CHUNG TS, LAI JY. Polyimides membranes for pervaporation and biofuels separation. Progress in Polymer Science (2012 IF=24.01), 34 (11) (2009) 1135-1160. (2009/6/9 Accepted)

8)JIANG LY, CHUNG TS. beta-Cyclodextrin containing Matrimid sub-nanocomposite membranes for pervaporation application. Journal of Membrane Science (2012 IF=4.314), 327 (1-2) (2009) 216-225. (2008/11/8 Accepted)

9)JIANG LY, CHEN H, JEAN YC, CHUNG TS. Ultrathin Polymeric Interpenetration Network with Separation Performance Approaching Ceramic Membranes for Biofuel. AICHE Journal (2012 IF=2.261), 55 (1) (2009) 75-86. (2008/12/4 Accepted)

10)WANG Y, JIANG LY, MATSUURA T CHUNG TS, GOH SH. Investigation of the fundamental differences between polyamide-imide (PAI) and polyetherimide (PEI) membranes for isopropanol dehydration via pervaporation. Journal of Membrane Science (2012 IF=4.314), 318 (1-2) (2008) 217-226. (2008/2/16 Accepted)

11)JIANG LY, CHUNG TS, RAJAGOPALAN R. Dehydration of alcohols by pervaporation through polyimide Matrimid (R) asymmetric hollow fibers with various modifications. Chemical Engineering Science (2012 IF=2.601), 63 (1) (2008) 204-216. (2007/9/18 Accepted)

12)JIANG LY, CHUNG TS, RAJAGOPALAN R. Matrimid®/MgO mixed matrix membranes for pervaporation. AICHE Journal (2012 IF=2.261), 53 (7) (2007) 1745-1757. (2007/5/25 Accepted)

13)CHUNG TS, JIANG LY, LI Y, KULPRATHIPANJA S. Mixed matrix membranes (MMMs) comprising organic polymers with dispersed inorganic fillers for gas separation. Progress in Polymer Science (IF=24.01), 32 (4) (2007) 483-507. (2007/1/16 Accepted)

14)JIANG LY, CHUNG TS, RAJAGOPALAN R. Dual-layer hollow carbon fiber membranes for gas separation consisting of carbon and mixed matrix layers. Carbon (2012 IF=6.008), 45 (1) (2007) 166-172. (2006/6/12 Accepted)

15)JIANG LY, CHUNG TS, KULPRATHIPANJA S. Fabrication of mixed matrix hollow fibers with superior intimate polymer-zeolite interface for gas separation. AIChE Journal. (2012 IF=2.261), 52 (2006) 2898-2908. (2006/6/8 Accepted)

16)JIANG LY, CHUNG TS, KULPRATHIPANJA S. An investigation to revitalize the separation performance of hollow fibers with a thin mixed matrix composite skin for gas separation. Journal of Membrane Science (2012 IF=4.314), 276 (2006) 113-125. (2005/9/18 Accepted)

17)TIN PS, JIANG LY, CHUNG TS, KULPRATHIPANJA S. Carbon-zeolite composite membranes for gas separation. Carbon (2012 IF=4.893), 43(9) (2005) 2025-2027. (2005/4/9 Accepted)

18)JIANG LY, CHUNG TS CAO C, HUANG Z, KULPRATHIPANJA S. Fundamental understanding of nano-sized zeolite distribution in the formation of mixed matrix single- and dual-layer asymmetric hollow fiber membranes. Journal Membrane Science (2012 IF=4.314), 252 (2005) 89-100. (2004/12/5 Accepted)

19)JIANG LY, CHUNG TS, LI DF, CAO C, KULPRATHIPANJA S. Fabrication of Matrimid/polyethersulfone dual-layer hollow fiber membranes for gas separation. Journal of Membrane Science (2012 IF=4.314), 240(1-2) (2004) 91-103. (2004/4/28 Accepted)

20)LI Y, JIANG LY, CHUNG TS. A new testing system to determine the O2/N2 mixed-gas permeation through hollow-fiber membranes with an oxygen analyzer. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (2012 IF=2.071), 45 (2005)871-875. (2005/12/9 Accept)

21)JIANG LY*, SONG ZW, LI J. “Polyimides Applied for Pervaporation Membranes”, in Maryann C. Wythers (Ed.),“Advances in Material Science Research”. Nova Science Publishers Hauppauge: New York. 2012, 8卷,第四章, pp. 129-169. (2012/2/15 Accepted)

22)WIDJOJO N, LI Y, JIANG LY, CHUNG TS. “Recent Progress and Challenges on Mixed Matrix Membranes in Both Material and Configuration Aspects for Gas Separation”, in “Advanced functional materials for membrane preparation”. Bentham Science Publisher. 2011, 第六章, pp. 64-80. (2011/4/26 Accepted)

23)QIAO XY, JIANG LY, CHUNG TS, LIU RX. “Pervaporation Membranes for Organic Separation”, in Xu Tongwen (Ed.), “Advances in Membrane Science and Technology”. Nova Science Publishers Hauppauge: New York. 2009, 第六章, pp. 164-200. (2009/7/18 Accepted)









