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撰稿人:  来源:科研共进社   发布时间:2024-06-05

1. 举例型(推荐)

实例一:The diffraction pattern for the electrodeposited film has seven broad peaks at 11.8°, 16.8°, 26.7°, 35.2°, 39.2° , 46.4° and 55.9°, corresponding to (100), (200), (310),(211), (301), (411), and (521) of β-FeOOH (ICSD 31136), respectively. (Ref.: Zou, S. et al., Chem. Mater. 2015, 27, 8011 – 8020)

句式模板: ... shows/has/exhibits N(特征峰数目) peaks at _, _, _ and _, corresponding to (), (), () and () of __ (JCPDS (或ICSD) ___), respectively.

变型:Wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD) shows broad peaks at _, _, and _°, which arecharacteristic of ... (JCPDS __).



①XRD 结果或者物质的晶型结构对于文章主体内容有重要价值的时候(例如,材料的晶型是重点考察对象(晶型影响材料性能)时;必须通过 XRD 来对物质组成结构进行定性时);

②下文其它表征需要和 XRD 结果进行呼应时,比如 HRTEM 图片中的晶面间距要和 XRD (h,k,l)面进行对应时;

③有多个 XRD 谱图需要描述时,第一个谱图的描述宜详写,这样后面的谱图描述就可以简略一些,详略得当。

2. 指派型

实例二: Peaks appearing in the original CdS rods can beindexed to wurtzite CdS (JCPDS __) and those in the fully exchanged rods can be indexed to acanthite(JCPDS __). (Ref. : Robinson, R. et al., Science 2007, 317, 355-358)

句式模板Peaks appearing in __ can be (well) indexed to __ (JCPDS __).

变型:The pattern for __ has a number of peaks that can be well-indexed to __ (JCPDS __).



①材料组成简单且比较明确的情况下,XRD 谱图只是用来区别物质组成时;

②前文已经有对其他 XRD 谱图进行具体描述时,为了让文章不重复啰嗦时。

3. 验证型

实例三:The crystal phase of CuO spheres was further confirmed by X-ray diffraction. (Ref.: Zhu, J. et al., Energy Environ. Sci., 2013, 6, 987-993)

句式模板The crystal phase of __ was further confirmed by X-ray diffraction.

变型We further confirmed that thepolycrystalline __ (spheres, nanoparticles, rods) belong to __ by XRD.  


适用于:XRD 结果作为辅助信息来验证前文已经较为明确的结果时。

4. 通过峰的尖/宽,有/无,峰强度等来说明物质的结晶性/分散度等

实例一:The diffraction peaks of both BiOI and ZnO were sharp and intense, indicating their highly crystalline nature. No impurity peaks were observed, confirming the high purity of the two products.(Ref.: Jiang, J. et al., J. Phys. Chem. C 2011, 115, 20555 –20564)

句式模板: The diffraction peaks (of __) were sharp and intense, indicating their highly crystalline nature. No impurity peaks were observed, confirming the high purity of the products.

实例二:The X-ray powder diffraction pattern of an electrodeposited catalyst shows broad amorphous features and no peaks indicative of crystalline phases other than the peaks associated with the ITO layer.(Ref.: Kanan, M. and Nocera, D., Science, 2008, 321,1072-1075)

句式模板:The X-ray powder diffraction pattern of __ shows broad amorphous features and no peaks indicative of crystalline phases.

变型:The diffraction pattern of __ has only a very broad peak, indicating the presence of fully amorphous __. This can be ascribed to ... (说明原因)

实例三:No characteristic diffraction peaks of Ni(OH)2 are observed because of its lower loading content and weak crystallization, on the other hand, also implying the good dispersion of the very small Ni(OH)2 clusters on the TiO2 surface. (Yu, J. et al. J. Phys. Chem. C 2011,115, 4953–4958)

句式模板:No characteristic diffraction peaks of __ are observed because of its lower loading content and weak crystallization, on the other hand, also implying the good dispersion of the very small __ clusters on the __ surface.




3. Jiang, J. et al., J. Phys. Chem. C 2011, 115, 20555 –20564
